PreRoll Ad

Implementing PreRoll ads

PreRoll ads are the promotional video advertisement that are played before the content of an online video. They are shown using the same types of views with which you are already building your layouts, and can be formatted to match your app’s visual design.

There are two overloaded ways to integrate pre-roll ads from Tapsell into your Android app. This guide shows you how to implement each one.

Vast Tags Requests only

In this method, you can request to get IMA vast tags, but all implementations related to integrating ads with your video player should be done from your side. so you can use your own video player (ExoPlayer or other players) here. but you need to integrate the ad into your player. Also, you have complete access to your layout and the video player design.

Make sure to add the IMA gradle dependency to your project.

  dependencies {
      def tapsellVersion = "1.0.2-beta04"
      implementation("ir.tapsell.mediation:tapsell:$tapsellVersion") // Mediation
      implementation("ir.tapsell.mediation.adapter:legacy:$tapsellVersion") // Tapsell Adapter

Load A PreRoll Ad

Once the layout is ready, the next step is to load an ad. That’s done with the requestPreRollAd() static method in Tapsell class.

public static void requestPreRollAd(String zoneId, RequestResultListener listener)

You need to provide a class implementing the RequestResultListener interface to get the ad load result overriding the success and failure methods:

interface RequestResultListener {
    // Called when the ad is successfully loaded; providing the ad id needed to show the ad 
    void onSuccess(String adId);
    // Called when there is no ad available
    void onFailure();

Here’s an example that shows how to load an ad in the onCreate() method of an Activity:

import ir.tapsell.mediation.Tapsell;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String PRE_ROLL_AD_ZONE_ID = "SampleZoneId";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Tapsell.requestPreRollAd(PRE_ROLL_AD_ZONE_ID, new RequestResultListener() {
            public void onSuccess(@NonNull String adId) {
                // Ad loaded
                // TODO: Show the ad

            public void onFailure() {
                // Ad not available

Once your ad id is received successfully, the next step is to get vast tag url of an ad. That’s done with the getPreRollVastUrl() static method in Tapsell class.

getPreRollVastUrl(String adId, PreRollAdListener listener)

Then You need to provide a class implementing the PreRollAdListener interface to get the vast tag result overriding the success and failure methods:

interface PreRollAdListener {
    // Called when the ad is successfully loaded; providing the vast tag needed to show the ad 
    void onVastAvailable(String vastTagUrl);
    // Called when there is no vast tag available
    void onAdFailed(String message);

Here’s an example that shows how to load an ad in the onCreate() method of an Activity:

import ir.tapsell.mediation.Tapsell;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String PRE_ROLL_AD_ZONE_ID = "SampleZoneId";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Tapsell.requestPreRollAd(PRE_ROLL_AD_ZONE_ID, new RequestResultListener() {
            public void onSuccess(@NonNull String adId) {
                // Ad loaded
                // TODO: Get the vast tag url

            public void onFailure() {
                // Ad not available

IMA-ExoPlayer Integration

In this method, you can request to show pre-roll ads and Tapsell SDK will manage all operation related to integrating ad with your video player. In this way you must use androidx.Media3.PlayerView as the vide player The first step toward displaying a pre-roll ad is adding legacy-ima-extension gradle dependency to your project as follows:

  dependencies {
      def tapsellVersion = "1.0.2-beta04"
      implementation("ir.tapsell.mediation:tapsell:$tapsellVersion") // Mediation
      implementation("ir.tapsell.mediation.adapter:legacy:$tapsellVersion") // Tapsell Adapter
      implementation "ir.tapsell.mediation.adapter:legacy-ima-extension:$tapsellVersion" // Tapsell legacy IMA Adapter

Add Tapsell PreRoll Views To Your Layout

The next step is to create your ad layout using the same views you use in your application. Note that you can change the video player design according to your requirements. The only thing you need to consider in your layout design is that you must use androidx.Media3 ExoPlayer. Other players or Google namespace versions of ExoPlayer are no longer supported. Also consider to use A FrameLayout which is used for the companion banner ad.

Here’s an example that shows an ad layout inside the activity layout:

<!----------------------- activity_main.xml -------------------------->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



      <!-- Your Media3 Player -->


    <!-- PreRoll Companion Banner -->



Load A PreRoll Ad

Once the layout is ready, the next step is to load an ad. That’s done with the requestPreRollAd() static method in Tapsell class.

requestPreRollAd(String zoneId, ViewGroup container, @Nullable ViewGroup companionContainer, FrameLayout videoPlayer, String videoPath, RequestResultListener listener)

You need to provide a class implementing the RequestResultListener interface to get the ad load result overriding the success and failure methods:

interface RequestResultListener {
    // Called when the ad is successfully loaded; providing the ad id needed to show the ad 
    void onSuccess(String adId);
    // Called when there is no ad available
    void onFailure();

Here’s an example that shows how to load an ad in the onCreate() method of an Activity:

import ir.tapsell.mediation.Tapsell;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String PRE_ROLL_AD_ZONE_ID = "SampleZoneId";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TapsellBannerView banner = findViewById(;

              new RequestResultListener() {
                    public void onSuccess(@NonNull String adId) {
                        // Ad loaded
                        // TODO: Show the ad
                    public void onFailure() {
                        // Ad not available

Show The Loaded PreRoll Ad

Once the pre-roll ad is successfully loaded, the next step is to show the ad. That’s done with the showPreRollAd() static method in Tapsell class passing the adId received in onSuccess method of the RequestResultListener and below parameters to load the video.

requestPreRollAd(String zoneId, ViewGroup container, @Nullable ViewGroup companionContainer, FrameLayout videoPlayer, String videoPath, RequestResultListener listener)

The AdStateListener.PreRoll optional parameter can be passed to monitor and handle events related to displaying your pre-roll ad. The interface has the following implementation:

AdStateListener.PreRoll listener = new AdStateListener.PreRoll() {
    public void onVastAvailable(String vastUrl) {
        // You can access the vast tag url here
    public void onAdImpression() {
        // Code to be executed when an impression is recorded for the ad.
    public void onAdClicked() {
        // Code to be executed when the user clicks on the ad.
    public void onAdClosed(AdShowCompletionState completionState) {
        // This might be `COMPLETED`, `SKIPPED` or `UNKNOWN`.

    public void onAdFailed(String message) {
        // Code to be executed when the ad show fails.

Destroy PreRoll Ad

When you are done showing your PreRoll ad, you should destroy it so that the ad is properly garbage collected. The example below shows the destroy call in the onDestroy() method of an activity:

import ir.tapsell.mediation.Tapsell;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    public void onDestroy() {

Sample Project

for more info you can use PreRoll Sample on GitHub repository.