Rewarded Ad

Rewarded ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of an app until closed by the user. The content of a rewarded ad might be varying depending on the ad network type in the mediation.

The purpose of a rewarded ad is to reward users with something after completing the video. If the user completes the action, you can reward them in your app.

Request Ad

To request a new rewarded ad, call the requestRewardedAd function from the Tapsell package. The first argument of the method is the ad “Zone ID”:

import { requestRewardedAd } from '@react-native-tapsell-mediation/tapsell';

  .then((adId: string) => {
    // Ad loaded successfully
  .catch((error: string) => {
    // Failed to load ad

Show Ad

To show an ad, call the showRewardedAd function from the Tapsell package. The first argument of the method is the ad id received in the requestRewardedAd function.:

import { showRewardedAd } from '@react-native-tapsell-mediation/tapsell';

showRewardedAd(adId, {
  onAdImpression: () => {
    // Ad impression
  onAdClicked: () => {
    // Ad clicked
  onRewarded: () => {
    // Ad rewarded
  onAdClosed: (completionState: CompletionState) => {
    // Ad closed with completion state: COMPLETED | SKIPPED | UNKNOWN
  onAdFailed: (error: string) => {
    // Failed to show ad

CompletionState type in onAdClosed callback indicates whether the ad has been shown completely or skipped by the user before completion. It will be UNKNOWN if this information is not provided by the corresponding ad network.

enum CompletionState {
  SKIPPED = 1,
  UNKNOWN = 2,

Test keys

To use test app keys and zones, you can refer to this link

Sample Project

for more info you can use Rewarded Sample on GitHub repository.