Initializing TapsellPlus in Android

If there is a problem or ambiguity, please refer to common issues or check the GitHub Issues page.

First of all you will need to setup and import TapsellPlus into your project.

Gradle setup

In app(module)/build.gradle:

dependencies {
    def tapsellPlus = "2.2.6"

Also add JAVA8 support in android {}:

compileOptions {
  sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

And do a Gradle sync.


Use TapsellPlus.initialize(context) in the beginning of your app’s entry point:

String tapsellPlusKey = "YOUR_TAPSELL_PLUS_APP_ID";

TapsellPlus.initialize(this, tapsellPlusKey,
		new TapsellPlusInitListener() {
    public void onInitializeSuccess(AdNetworks adNetworks) {
        // Init successful
    public void onInitializeFailed(AdNetworks adNetworks,
				AdNetworkError adNetworkError) {
        // Error in initialization - Use provided parameters to see why

Get tapsellPlusKey from Tapsell dashboard after building the app

Also, you may want to activate debug mode to get some additional logs and information (specially when ad requests fail):



If GDPR matters to your product you need to consider applying it for the SDK to be able to use full functionality:

Activity activity = this;
TapsellPlus.setGDPRConsent(activity, true);

You can show a default dialog for that as well:

Activity activity = this;

Family Policy

According to the GooglePlay Family Policy, if any of the target audiences for your app is children (especially if you’re developing a game), your app’s content must be appropriate for these type of users. Also, you are not allowed to collect some personal information like Google Advertising ID. However, the third party advertising SDKs need this advertising id to provide and serve personalized ads for users. As a result, in Tapsell SDK all users are treated as 13 or older. So as an application developer if you’re going to publish your app in GooglePlay, you need to express that your app targets audiences with age of 13 or older. Otherwise, your app will be removed from GooglePlay according to this policy.

Optional permission

  • READ_PHONE_STATE: Can be used to allow SDK customize the ad better according to user’s taste.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />