Implementing Native Video Ads

Creating a Zone

First, create a native video zone from the Tapsell panel and use the zoneId when requesting or showing an ad.

Creating an AdHolder

You should add a ViewGroup to the page in which you want to show the native ad as space for displaying it. In other words, you need to create an ad container.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""




Requesting Ads

Use the TapsellPlus.requestNativeVideo method to request an ad. For example:

String zoneId = "theZoneIdYouHavaForThis";
String responseId = "";

TapsellPlus.requestNativeVideo(this, zoneId, new AdRequestCallback() {
    public void response(TapsellPlusAdModel tapsellPlusAdModel) {
        responseId = tapsellPlusAdModel.getResponseId(); // SAVE the responseID
    public void error(String s) {
      // ERROR occurred

Then save the responseId. This id is required to display the ad.

Showing Ads

The following are required from the previous steps:

  • responseId
  • adContainer

To display the ad, first create an object of TapsellPlusVideoAdHolder class according to the following format and then call the request to display the ad:

TapsellPlusVideoAdHolder holder = new TapsellPlusVideoAdHolder.Builder()

TapsellPlus.showNativeVideo(this, responseId, holder, new AdShowListener() {
    public void onOpened(TapsellPlusAdModel tapsellPlusAdModel) {
      // Video Ad is opened
    public void onError(TapsellPlusErrorModel tapsellPlusErrorModel) {
      // Error when showing video ad

If you want to use your custom layout, assign the following ids according to the type of view:

ad indicatortapsell_nativead_sponsoredView

The rating key is only used in advertisements to install an application.

Then give these layouts to AdHolder:

TapsellPlusVideoAdHolder holder = new TapsellPlusVideoAdHolder.Builder()

The setAppInstallationViewTemplate method refers to a layout that has id of rating.