Native Banner in Unity

Creating a Zone

First, create a native zone from the Tapsell panel and use the zoneId when requesting or showing an ad.

Requesting Ads

Use the TapsellPlus.RequestNativeBannerAd method to request an ad. For example:


			tapsellPlusAdModel => {
				Debug.Log ("On Response " + tapsellPlusAdModel.responseId);
				_responseId = tapsellPlusAdModel.responseId;
			error => {
				Debug.Log ("Error " + error.message);

If you want to request again in error Callback, Be sure to do this with the help of a variable as a Counter. Because with the help of that variable you can set a limit on the number of times for request. For example, when you disable this adZone from the panel and if you request again each time in error Callback , without limiting the number of times, Your program will fall into an infinite loop and its performance will get disrupted

Showing Ads

After receiving the responseId parameter from the previous step, the Ad is ready to be shown, and you can display it as the following

public void Show () {
  // this: refers to MonoBehaviour
  TapsellPlus.ShowNativeBannerAd(_responseId, this,

			tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd => {
				Debug.Log ("onOpenAd " + tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.zoneId);
				adHeadline.text = ArabicSupport.ArabicFixer.Fix(tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.title);
				adCallToAction.text = ArabicSupport.ArabicFixer.Fix(tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.callToActionText);
				adBody.text = ArabicSupport.ArabicFixer.Fix(tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.description);
				adImage.texture = tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.landscapeBannerImage;
			error => {
				Debug.Log ("onError " + error.errorMessage);
titlestringAd Title
landscapeBannerImageTexture2DAd image
callToActionTextstringClick button text
iconImageTexture2DAd icon

For example, if you have a RawImage from GameObject type called adImage, you can use the following code snippet to display the ad image:

// ...
adImage.texture = tapsellPlusNativeBannerAd.landscapeBannerImage;
// ...

Opening the Ad

To open the ad, you should first add a component from Box Collider type to every GameObjects you created in the previous step, and then define the Game Object to TepsellPlus using the following methods.

Make sure you check the Raycast Target for each of the Game Objects, except for the Button, which you must uncheck Raycast Target from its Image component.

RegisterHeadlineTextGameObjectAd Title
RegisterImageGameObjectAd image
RegisterCallToActionGameObjectClick button text
// ...
// ...

You can use our sample projects on GitHub for more help.